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Insight Identification

1.  Based on the theme that: most users found components missing (such as audio and search bar), insight is that users need better support over accessibility so they can access web apps that validate everyone and support them in their flow.

2.  Based on the theme that: most of the users were frustrated or confused over the unclear content, insight is that the users need better cues and content structure for being able to create a smooth user flow.

3.  Based on the theme that: most of the users had future considerations/wonderings, insight is that users need a better structure in the design and content.

"It was easy to get to the learning point and would be really good to have some certified courses after learning.”
“I don’t understand why “More” and “Settings”? Also, I am missing the menu at the top ... “
“I would like easier access to courses based on a word ... a search bar would be very useful!”

Prioritized Insights

Priority 0
1. Based on the theme that: most users found components missing, insight is that users need better support to accessibility and access to audio options for text and search bar.
2. Based on the theme that: most of the users were frustrated or confused over the unclear content, insight is that users need better cues and content structure by changing the bottom menu to a burger menu better structured.

Priority 1
Based on the theme that: most of the users were frustrated or confused over the unclear content, insight is that users need better cues and content structure by changing “learn” with “home” as the label and its function is universally known by users.

Priority 2
1. Based on the theme that: users had future considerations/wonderings, insight is that users need a better structure in the design and content by adding the possibility to take certified courses.
2. Based on the theme that: users had future considerations/wonderings, insight is that users need a better structure in the design and content by making the emergency button more visible and easier to access in case of emergency.


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